Get a Life

New York, New York

Sorry this one is a little bit late guys! Big things are coming, and they seem to have taken over. Also we bought a house, so... Venturing into adulthood seems to be pretty time consuming and stressful so don't mind if I leave this little #OOTD post over here without a long rant about my current state of mind. This was probably one of my favourite looks I put together during fashion week, as it incapsulated so many pieces I loved that somehow worked together. It is also the coldest I had been all week, and though the pictures came out ok, I felt as though I was fighting the wind all the way up 57th street. Tears were streaming down my face and it wasn't because I lost something I couldn't replace...see what I did there. If you don't, good, it means you have a better sense of humour than I, as well as life.

Get a I miss that expression. So senseless, and rudimentary, yet so straightforward. If in dire need of a comeback (because that always happens) just use that one, honestly. I feel like the nostalgia of it alone will get you the upper hand regardless of what you were arguing in the first place. On the other hand, I've been so busy getting a life, that I forgot how cool it is not to have one. Spending all your time indoors watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer on Netflix and eating babka, sounds like nirvana right about now.  Anywhoo have a lovely weekend my little chickens, and don't be in too big a rush to "get a life". It's seriously overrated.

Creamsicle Colour Palette

Brixton hat, Chanel sunglasses, Hermes silk scarf, Topshop coat and embellished jeans, vintage Harley tee, Louis-Vuitton backpack, and Christian Dior boots.