

I'm horribly pale. Having finally made to it miami after braving the storm in my great native land I could not wait to see my old buddy sun...I hope you understand my frustration when I tell you it has now been raining for 5 days, since we arrived in the "miami heat". This is bullshit. I have been fighting my natural skin tone for as long as I can remember, from spray tans to tanning oil I always come fully prepared to have that J.LO glow, well not this time. I am embracing the white. It is my favourite colour, or lack there of technically speaking. This is me world!...and It doesn't look as bad as I thought it would...might have something to do with the Vintage Chanel._MG_3748_MG_3812_MG_3744_MG_3817_MG_3810_MG_3784_MG_3745

Got Milk?

Chanel, earrings, bag, and flower sneakers, and Vintage Chanel wool top and skirt